My love affair for food begins very early in my life as a rebel middle child. Lucky enough to travel from a very young age, I remember being curious about the 'traditional or local' dishes of the area or town we were visiting. I would learn one word "Thank you" and then I would proceed to place my order by reading (and butchering I am sure) the menu item. A lot of times questions would follow or stares at my parents in what seemed to me as "is she allowed to order that?" and most times it was worth the risk!
As an adult, I continue to explore this concept, to travel and to eat and to let my inner child express it all on the canvas. Food Art has become my new favorite subject as an Artist. From pandas eating noodles or drinking Champagne to "dreams of caviar" and even an Oyster obsession.
I invite you to explore this subject and see if you too have a passion for good food!
- O
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